DRYiCE Lucy v9.0



Product Name DRYiCE Lucy
Version Number 9.0
Release Month August , 2023
Release Period (if release was phased) April 2023 - August 2023
Release Size (KB/MB/GB) N/A
Release Summary

The release notes capture the details of features and functionalities introduced in DRYiCE Lucy as part of its major release version 9.0. This release follows an assisted upgrade, details on which can be found in the Upgrading to New Version section. For any queries/clarifications, please reach out to Support.

Features and Enhancements

Version 9.0 focuses on bringing capabilities of generative AI via OpenAI (GPT integration) as OTB in Lucy. This release also includes new products like Agent Assist (for seamless user-agent interaction) and Self Heal (automation and self-heal mechanism).

What’s new?

Following are the newly launched features and functionalities as part of DRYiCE Lucy v9.0:

  • Lucy with PromptO GenAI: Generative AI capabilities are now available in Lucy, which would provide:
    • Smart language change over

    • Zero-shot capabilities

    • Memory Capabilities

    • Context manager and prompt optimizer

    • Fine-tune Model

    • Code suggestion

    • Execution Modules

    • GenAI Studio

    • OTB conversational capability

  • Agent Assist: The new product is available to enhance its existing capability, which allows a conversational way of seamlessly connecting to Service desk agents for remedies to critical and repetitive queries anytime and anywhere.

  • Self-Heal: The new product is available for Automated Endpoint Remediation, which resolves system and application issues through unassisted automation and self-heal mechanism. Desktop application available.

  • Agent Shadow learning: This feature is part of Agent Assist, and can suggest use cases to agents that can be added in Lucy Chatbot with minimal configuration and approval process.

  • Vayu Seamless Integration with GChat: For enhancing seamless capability with Vayusphere, GChat channel is available as an OTB Connector.

  • In-House SSO Microservice: This functionality allows Lucy to serve as an Identity Service Provider independent of the application, hence allowing it to share SSO over SAML with multiple applications and multiple tenants. This also brings in the DRYiCE directory for public login and replaces the IBM APP ID to function as a cross-cloud service.

  • Lucy Try and Buy: One of the major enhancements in this release is that prospective customers can request a Lucy Trial before buying Lucy. This allows administrators to provision tenants with limited capability for 30 days.

  • Knowledge Search Capability: This release is adding a new Knowledge Search capability which provides:
    • Semantic capabilities

    • Powered by PromptO (GenAI version of Lucy)

    • High relevance in results

    • Works cross-language.

    • Higher performance

    • High security and data safety

  • Workflows Webapps: New functionality to make the workflows more powerful to deliver hosted web apps capability to build and deploy fully functional web endpoints to render pages or take action.

What is enhanced?

Following features and functionalities that have been improved as part of DRYiCE v9.0:

  • Enhanced Analytics Dashboard: An improved, enhanced, and optimized version of the Analytics dashboard is available in this release for capturing new parameters that can help in increasing the adoption of Lucy.

  • Function code Linting (Minimal SAST): For ensuring code quality while writing Openwhisk functions, linting functionality is available while creating or editing integrations.

  • Openwhisk Version Management: Added functionality for managing the version of Openwhisk function that could probably be used as a backup for any integration.

  • Enhancements in Conversation Designer: To enhance the capabilities of Conversation Designer (CD), a new option is available for training OTB use cases. Additionally, support is available for “Jump to” while creating conversation.

  • Data Point Date Filters: Datapoint API with Date Range support to retrieve data for specific date ranges. Some limits are there on the total record/response that cannot be more than 10,000 records without a filter and cannot be more than 5,000 records with a filter.

  • iOS & Android App Enhancements: New capabilities are added to Lucy’s mobile (iOS & Android) application:

    • Text to Speech with Multilingual support
    • File Upload
    • Image Upload 
Bugs & Fixes

Following are the bugs fixed as part of the DRYiCE Lucy v9.0 release:

  • Fixed: Loading table issue while displaying data in the Reporting Dashboard

  • Fixed: Issue while updating existing SOPs

  • Fixed: Issue while uploading existing attachments through workflow

  • Fixed: Issue while syncing data in Reporting Dashboard

  • Fixed: Issue while sending mail through the Workflow module

  • Fixed: Issue while verifying product key in Gateway application

  • Fixed: Issue while using IVR as a channel for Lucy

  • Fixed: Issue while connecting to the agent in Connect Chat after 10 minutes of idle time

Security & Performance Improvement

The following changes were made to improve the performance and security of DRYiCE Lucy v9.0 in comparison to the older versions:

  • Migrated from NodeJS 16.x.x version to 18.x.x (LTS) version.

  • Migrated UI (Frontend) of Cognitive and Global Admin Consoles from Vue2 to Vue3

Deprecated Features

A Deprecated Feature means that the feature(s) is at the end of support, and its alternative must be used. Although the feature will continue to work, it is not recommended to use them.

  • The old Reporting Dashboard is depreciating for the tenants that will be running on version 9 with no support. The replacement of this feature is the New Cognitive Analytics dashboard (available since version 8.0).

Known Issues/Limitations/Restrictions

Following are the limitations/restrictions with respect to the features and functionalities released as part of DRYiCE Lucy v8.0:

  • Default data retention for user-generated chat data is available with a history of 12 months.

  • Data Capturing on Use cases using Message Save or Question Update is now restricted to Absolute values.

  • Queries marked as use case with Intent should be limited to Valid Use Cases only.

System Requirements

DRYiCE Lucy is hosted on IBM Cloud & Google Cloud Platform and utilizes PaaS services. System Requirements are Not Applicable (NA).

Upgrading to the new version

DRYiCE Lucy v9.0 release is a major release that includes Assisted Upgrade. DRYiCE Lucy follows a zero-downtime deployment strategy with automatic rollback in case of failure of deployment for any feature/ functionality during the upgrade.

To upgrade to DRYiCE Lucy v9.0, the Product Professional Services Team follows the below steps:

Note: The steps mentioned below are undertaken separately for each tenant within a customer environment. This means that if there are multiple environments like Production, Development, and Staging/User Acceptance Testing (UAT), each of these environments follows the below instructions:

  1. The PS Team verifies the current version of DRYiCE Lucy implemented in the customer environment (DRYiCE Lucy v9.0 has a “One-click” automated upgrade functionality to upgrade a selected tenant. For DRYiCE Lucy versions older than v9.0, the upgrade process is manual. For this, a mutually agreed time slot is confirmed between the customer and the PS Team).

  2. The Providers will access and review the existing functionalities/features within the customer environment and share the impact with respect to upgrading to v9.0.

  3. Non-production environments should be a logical replica of Production before upgradation.

  4. This upgrade is through a Provider-owned model, where providers find the upgrade card for the tenants who are eligible or not through which the tenant can be upgraded. This can be found on the Configure page of the tenant by clicking the gear icon next to the tenant on the tenant listing page.

  5. For the Provider-owned Model, the Provider Admin or the Provider SPOC can follow the steps mentioned on the Upgrade page to upgrade the tenant automatically.

  6. In case of any issue, please raise a support ticket on the Support link of DRYiCE Lucy. Lucy Professional Services team also needs to create a task on the JIRA portal.


DRYiCE Lucy is a conversational AI platform for automating a wide range of industry use cases along with the capability of Generative AI. Mimicking human interaction, Lucy learns and adapts to your needs through smart conversations by leveraging Generative AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML).

Lucy helps organizations move up the maturity curve and enhance the user experience for employees and customers. By leveraging generative AI capabilities and advanced natural language processing, Lucy reduces human errors and increases productivity. It comes with out-of-the-box use cases for various scenarios and can easily extended to cover the “Cognitive chatbot” needs of modern enterprises.


For any queries/clarifications, please reach out to us on Support.