DRYiCE iControl

bronze silver

Enterprise Command Center driven by Business Flow Observability


This is an amazing tool, telling us issues we have today that we are not monitoring or aware of, so we must start using daily.

Garreth Dorree

COO, Paysafe Group, 2021-22

Looking for end-to-end, real-time business flow insights and intelligence?

How to improve resilience with observability?

Why should enterprises focus on observability?

Why should an enterprise work with HCLSoftware?

Our Vision :

To empower our clients with seamless integration between their business processes and IT operations

Our Mission :

  • To connect business and IT operations to make them more productive and successful
  • To accelerate collaboration of business and IT operation
  • To provide end-to-end visibility of the critical business value chains
  • To benefit our customers with sustainable efficiency improvements

Make real-time, informed decisions with thorough insights

New-age enterprises are reliant on multiple processes and multilinear operations, making it difficult to have complete understanding and analysis of scenarios. It gets compounded by poor data management, leading to:

  • Rising operational issues even when technical issues are declining
  • Limited visibility into business flow performance
  • No knowledge of downstream impact of a break
  • Penalties due to non-compliance of regulations
  • Reactive issue identification and resolution

DRYiCE iControl, enabling the Enterprise Command Center, forms the definitive step towards a cost-effective and speedy deployment to empower business decisions, allowing innovation and growth.

The iControl Advantage | Creating robust enterprise observability


Enable faster data-driven business decision making

iControl’s enterprise view coupled with customizable unified dashboards and smart widgets provides the bird’s-eye view of enterprise, enabling faster data-driven decision making and impact analysis.


Analyze impact of IT performance on business outcomes

iControl’s six standardized KPIs/target types help you discover the relationship of IT operations and business objectives. iControl provides the business contextualized observability with a focus on services, service targets, service owners, and the rules.


Predict trends with intelligent insights

iControl’s machine learning (ML) enabled predictive analytics capabilities facilitate informed decisions by providing future trends and business impact of KPIs.


Analyze impact and prepare for the future

With the help of historical data and service intelligence, you can drill down the impact, understand the root causes for disruptions and service breaks, and identify the impacted clients.


Get more for less with flow designer

iControl’s easy-to-use flow designer helps you create and store business flows, process steps, sub-flows, and define KPIs, resulting in granular view of business performance.


GenAI-powered Business Process Engine

Experience the revolution in business process modelling with HCL iControl's GenAI-powered Business Process AI Engine helping reduce the documentation efforts by more than 60%, enabling faster adoption and ensuring adherence to standardized business process practices.*

*MVP release - 31 May 2024
*GA release - 30 September 2024

The iControl Impact | Offering real-time outcomes

240 +


700 +


The iControl Outreach | Making multilinear impact across industries

Industry Solution Packs

iControl offers over 200 templated, ready-to-use flows that cater to specific industries and helps you implement its capabilities in a faster and better way. Here are the various domains iControl covers:

Financial Services

Financial Services


Energy and Utilities

Energy and Utilities





Life Sciences

Life Sciences


Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas





Transportation and Logistics

Transportation and Logistics


Multilevel Business Flows

iControl delivers a multi-level view of business flow performance with the ability to aggregate process flows from child to parent, enabling you to gain intelligent, real-time, and actionable insights.


Whether you are looking for more information on the latest features, stories about our customers, or just brushing up on your knowledge, we have got you covered.


Business Flow Observability Solution for Transportation and Logistics

HCL iControl Payment Observability Solution

Business Flow Observability Solution for Healthcare

DRYiCE iControl Payment Observability Solution

Business Flow Observability Solution for Oil and Gas

Business Flow Observability Solution for Life Sciences

Business Flow Observability Solution for Manufacturing


DRYiCE iControl : Instill visibility and generate holistic view of complex business operation

DRYiCE iControl: Enterprise Control Centre driven by Business flow observability

Why should a company work with HCLSoftware?

Boost Resilience: Elevating Business Process Observability for All Firms

Observability vs. Monitoring: Enterprise Management Strategies

HCL DRYiCE iControl and DNA Payments Group Interview at Global RegTech Summit, London

The world is changing. Do you have insights into all your business - impacting issues?


Observability key to the Enterprise Control Center

Driving Business Goals with Observability

Next generation business flow intelligence


DRYiCE and AI Business Ebook


Oil & Gas Business Flow Observability

HCL iControl Payment Solution Infographic