DRYiCE MyCloud v10.1



Product Name DRYiCE MyCloud
Version Number 10.1
Release Month November , 2020
Release Summary

DRYiCE MyCloud is a proactive multi-cloud life cycle management product that empowers organizations to optimally govern, provision, monitor, and manage cloud infrastructure. It combines data exploration and data visualization in an easy-to-use application that enables effective analysis and generates actionable insights for IaaS & PaaS resources. DRYiCE MyCloud's data-driven recommendations and advisories ensure continuous optimization of enterprise cloud environments across areas, including cost, performance, security, and fault tolerance.

Release 10.1 focuses on new features, enhancements, and integrations.

New Features and Enhancements

Script Library: Allowing users to leverage out-of-the-box scripts as well as create reusable scripts which could be used in other process workflows across environments

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Import/Export of ITSM Configuration: Allowing users to import/export the ITSM specific configuration data across environments (Dev, QA, Prod) with consistency

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Custom Branding: Flexibility to the provider to upload their company logo which will be visible to their associated organizations.

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Process Workflow Enhancements

  • Integration with Script Library module enables import and use of OOB system scripts as well as allows publishing of custom tasks in a process workflow to the Script Library

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  • Task Review (Optional) feature enables interactive automation for specific use cases which require manual intervention at a certain step of the process

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  • Added support for new conditional operators and multiple conditions for defining the task execution criteria.

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  • Support for import/export of ITSM specific configurations as part of the process workflow import/export.

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Compliance Dashboard Enhancements: Improved visibility through a single pane of glass view for consolidated compliance data across multiple subscriptions

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RBAC Module Enhancements: Flexibility to control the access of service endpoints, service catalog items, object actions, and other items, via application of tags by the provider

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Approval Module Enhancements - Provision to send email-based notification even when approval is not attached as per request email template

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CI Module Enhancements

  • Ability to create new object types like VM, Load Balancer, and others
  • Ability to map applicable CI columns to objects including alias name, custom validation logic, and other controls

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  • Ability to maintain the relationship between various CI objects
  • Reporting enhancements to CI specific reports like the addition of new filters, flexibility to export the data in JSON format

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API Enhancements

  • Addition of new APIs like CI relationship, Task List associated to Service Catalog, retrieve a list of AZ in the region for Azure/AWS and others
  • Enhancement to existing APIs for addition/updation based on the provided operation type

UI Creation Module Enhancements

  • Flexibility to override the number of item in single request programmatically based on custom logic
  • Ability to execute custom logic with the help of Button Click event via JavaScript.

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New Integrations

Integration with GCP

  • Integration with Secret Manager for secure storage of resource-related credentials
  • Addition of metatag, network tags, and schedule backup in out-of-the-box Clone method

Integration with MS Azure

  • Capability to provision Azure VM in Availability Zones

Integration with VMware

Performance Enhancements

Component Performance Enhancements

  • Mark all running jobs as failed before shutting down (applicable for machine / service shutdown
  • Separate app pool for KRS to improve performance
  • Implementation of Retry logic for KRS calls
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue while fetching the data for large number of VMs from vCenter by pulling the performance data batch-wise
  • Fixed the issue while fetching the data for large number of VMs from Azure via NextLink functionality to fetch the data in batches.
Glimpse of Upcoming Release

New Features

  • Support for parallel execution of tasks within a process workflow
  • Scheduled Actions


  • Reporting Enhancements – new widgets and reports
  • API Enhancements
  • Process Workflow Enhancements

DRYiCE MyCloud is a proactive multi-cloud life cycle management product that empowers organizations to optimally govern, provision, monitor, and manage cloud infrastructure. It combines data exploration and data visualization in an easy-to-use application that enables effective analysis and generates actionable insights for IaaS & PaaS resources. DRYiCE MyCloud's data-driven recommendations and advisories ensure continuous optimization of enterprise cloud environments across areas, including cost, performance, security, and utilization.

Differentiating features of MyCloud:

  • Self Service Catalog
  • Metering, Billing and Show back
  • Proactive Advisory and Recommendations
  • Policy-Driven Orchestration
  • Dynamic Process Workflows
  • Customize Service Request forms
  • Virtual Server Lease Management
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Rich Integration Ecosystem
  • Forecasting & RI recommendation
  • Compliance Reporting

For product-related inquiries, please reach us at DRYiCE-PMG-Autonomic@hcl.com