Employee Experience: The Key to Enterprise Productivity


July 21, 2021

The guiding objective of digital transformation is to improve productivity and drive operational efficiency. But, an organization is only as good as its people. So, for a digitally transformed enterprise to delight its customers, it first needs to cater to the needs of its employees. That said, the COVID-19 pandemic reset how enterprises envisioned their offices. A flexible, virtualized workplace became an immediate necessity from the perspective of both business continuity and employee safety. Research projects that the global digital workplace market will be worth $72.2 billion by 2026, up from $22.7 billion in 2020, growing at a CAGR of 21.3% in the forecast period1. Today, the era of the entire office staff showing up to work from Monday to Friday is behind us. People coming in when they need to and working remotely for the rest of the time is the norm.

Scrambling to react quickly to the challenges posed by the pandemic, most organizations opted for point solutions to tide over immediate issues. To ensure operational continuity, enterprises tried to bridge the gap between in-office and remote workplace experience by providing all the resources to employees irrespective of where they were working from. But such “firefighting” measures do not offer a sustainable, long-term remedy. The on-boarding of multiple point solutions resulted in extensive implementation and customization, which added to the existing burden of maintenance. This stretched IT teams to the limits of their capabilities and compounded employee challenges.

As the world accelerates back to normalcy, hybrid workplaces are here to stay. Today, we are at a juncture where employee experience must be the center of all digital workplace initiatives. The business goals and growth aspirations of an enterprise can only be achieved when its employees feel empowered and supported. And, for that, a thoroughly integrated workplace solution that addresses the challenges and fills the gaps left (or created) by the quick-fix measures is of paramount importance.

Poor Employee Experience = Missed Opportunities

The workforce is now fragmented and dispersed, working from multiple locations and on multiple devices. As a result, connectivity and device issues are often leading to unplanned downtime. And, that is not all. With overstretched service desks, excruciatingly slow issue resolution processes, and long approval cycles, employees are facing several challenges that could have been resolved quickly and efficiently if they were physically present in the office. The concerned employee could simply walk up to the resolution team for the issue to be addressed. Remote working has made us over-reliant on the virtual service desk. This is costing enterprises in three ways – higher operational costs, loss of revenue, and reduced productivity.

Employees who must stall or delay work due to unresolved IT issues fail to optimize their capabilities, are often stuck in service request queues, and are unable to meet their objectives on time. This results in sliding employee satisfaction (ESAT) scores and higher stress levels. The need of the hour is an integrated digital workplace solution that not only empowers employees to self-help but also preemptively detects impending failures and prompts the employee to initiate auto-resolution, leading to improved efficiency and reduced service desk load.

Enhanced Employee Experience = Increased Productivity

A new-age digital workplace solution must focus on reducing time to value. Here, a catalog-based approach works extremely well by aggregating all the tools on one unified platform and offering an omnichannel experience to employees by collating IT and business services in an e-commerce-like enterprise marketplace. Predefined use cases ensure that employees do not need to look for solutions across processes. These use cases also reduce the implementation time, meaning that the IT team can quickly introduce the solution to end-users and reduce time to value.

An ideal digital workplace solution must be easy to procure and deploy. Instead of enterprises dealing with multiple vendors and procuring multiple software licenses, they should be able to obtain all their digital workplace requirements at a single point through underlying integrations. This is critical for greater agility and scalability — a top priority at present. Finally, a one-size-fits-all approach cannot work. So, the perfect workplace solution should also be highly customizable for specific enterprise and employee needs.

The BigFix AEX Advantage: Redefining Employee Experience in the New Normal

DRYiCE Software is built on years of experience and expertise in offering multi-faceted digital solutions to global enterprises. Through our conversations and collaborations with our cross-industry clients, business leaders, and technology experts, we have come to realize the importance of a seamless, intuitive employee experience in improving productivity. So, we developed an integrated, end-to-end digital workplace solution that leverages AI and automation to enhance the employee experience and boost productivity on all fronts -BigFix AEX. Here are its most salient features:

AEX automates user productivity with proactive monitoring and remediation, enables personalized, anytime support, and helps manage service desk and operational costs. It simplifies employee experience with everyday IT and business services requests, through a unified enterprise digital marketplace and an NLP-driven virtual assistant. AEX offers more than 250 out-of-the-box use cases, which include, but are not limited to, service catalog requests, system and application issues, system performance issues, OneDrive synchronization, password reset, account unlocking, and employee orders and requisitions.These predefined use cases reduce time to value, decrease IT costs, and improve overall enterprise productivity. The user experience monitoring and reporting capability enables IT admins to drive valuable and actionable insights, facilitating informed decision-making for further optimization of processes. Furthermore, the solution can integrate with standard service management tools to protect current investments, keeping both the capex and opex in check.

AEX benefits stakeholders across the value chain – end users, IT and operational support teams, and business leaders. Its large set of predefined use cases, round-the-clock support, omnichannel experience, intelligent virtual assistance, preemptive remediation, self-service capabilities, and analytics and insights lead to remarkably improved flexibility, agility, and scalability. This allows enterprises to unlock employee efficiencies and a fresh new productivity-driven spectrum of business. As enterprises progress on their digital transformation journeys and build robust digital workplaces, AEX is the solution that will expedite their endeavors and put them in the lead.

To know more about AEX and to explore the value that it can create for your organization, drop us a line here.


  1. Digital Workplace Market by Component: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/digital-workplace-market-81457101.html

Shahzada Sufyan

Shahzada Sufyan, Global Head – Outbound Product & Offers Management and Pre-sales

Shahzada Sufyan is the Global Head of Outbound Product and Offering Management for DRYiCE Software portfolio of AI lead automation and digital workplace solutions. He has over 20 years of experience in Product Management and Technical leadership roles at HCL and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, where he has worked on products and technologies related to compute, big data, disaster protection and recovery, AIOps, SaaS and Cloud management solutions.